A little bit of sunlight on a cloudy day

Two weeks ago I drove Glenneden Beach to spend the day with my parents. Garrett Jaxson was in the pool with his grandma splashing and working on not sinking. I had decided to go for a quiet walk and enjoy some time alone. And my dad, to the surprise of no one, was on the beach fishing. I decided to stop by and say hello to my daddy-o and see how it was going. (He got skunked every day on the beach) So while dad was sitting on his bucket I decided to roll up my pants for my walk. I put my phone in my back pocket and my camera in the hood of his sweatshirt. About two seconds after I had gotten the first leg up, a high wave came in and scared my dad. So he did what any self respecting fisherman would do and jumped up like a little girl so his shoes wouldn't get wet. And in the process my beloved camera flew out of his hood and into the surf.

I got this camera as a gift from my parents the year that I had Garrett, so it's been through some beatings. It has survived being dropped at the bar, at the garage and in my driveway. It has survived the last six years spending most of it's in buried in the bottom of my purse, being played with by various kids and taking more drunken photos than I care to admit. Up until that day it came out with only a minor blob on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

And as of today, I can now say it has also survived going for a swim in the pacific ocean. That's right, my camera still works! I'm pretty sure this is the single greatest camera ever. =)

Side note- both photos were taken with my phone. =)


Bethany @ A Fish Who Likes Flowers March 15, 2011 at 1:28 PM  

I can be a reference. Your cooking is AMAZING!!! I don't think I've ever had anything that you've made that I haven't enjoyed. Love ya!!!

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Salem, Oregon, United States
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