Educating Brandy

My mom called me and told me that her friend Karen needed help tonight for a play at the Pentacle.

I, being the jack ass that I am, agreed to go and help thinking that it would just be painting a set or something.

Of COURSE it wasn't! I walked on stage with Karen and she called out for some lady and said "I have a present for you!" The strange lady came out, and I was introduced as her present.  I was told that I would be helping with props and costumes. No biggie, I've done both of those things. And then I was asked if I could help out of the entire run of the show. Five nights a week until May 14th. Ummmm. I have some prior commitments, but I'll do my best.

After about 45 minutes into the first act it was discovered that I was getting in the way more than I was helping. Apparently it never occurred to anyone that throwing someone in the night before opening MIGHT not be such a hot idea. So I spent the second half down in the dressing room coloring with the daughter of one of the crew members. I went out after the show and was fired. THANK GOD!

But because I showed up on less than 30 minutes notice and took getting yelled at and having things thrown at me without breaking a sweat, they still love me. They just have no actual use for me. I did get a free ticket to see the show. And a request to audition for Brigadoon.

I think I will respectfully decline. As much as I loved being involved in theater in high school, it isn't something I love enough to take time away from Garrett. 8:00 came around and I got really sad that I wasn't at home reading Garrett his bed time story.

But on the up side I did get the very last of the last stuff done for VPC. And I got to shopping for Easter stuff with Christina and Miss Hannah. And now it is nearly 11:00 and I still haven't gotten any dinner.

You know my next stop. =)

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Salem, Oregon, United States
I love most things in life. Except beets and sushi. Beets and sushi can die.

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