Unloved Chips

Bethany made a comment that I should start putting my recipes on my blog.

So I am taking a page from her book and adding photos along with my recipes.

Today was nacho day. Chicken nacho's to be exact. (They would have been turkey nachos, but my dad didn't take his glasses to the store and grabbed ground chicken instead of ground turkey, so today, we had chicken nachos) (also see previous post about why I don't like people buying things for me...)

I have a few quarks when cooking. First off, food always tastes better when the cook is having fun making it, so I usually turn on music and kick everyone out of the kitchen.

Secondly, drinking helps just as much, if not more so than the music. Tonight was Vodka Strawberry Lemonade. =)

Thirdly, a chip without cheese is a lonely chip, so do not skimp on the cheese. And if you do come across a chip with no cheese, make sure to eat it first so it knows that it is still loved. Always think of the chips feelings.

What you need:

A bag -o- chips (this brand is THE BEST I've ever had)

Shredded cheese -roughly 3 cups of each-  (I use Tillamook Sharp Cheddar and Tillamook Monterey Jack)

Diced Onions -about a half of a cup

Taco Seasoning - I use just about 1/4 of a cup (and yes, we do buy this stuff in bulk)

Ground Meat - 1 pound- (Today I used chicken, but turkey, beef and even deer and elk are awesome too)

Please don't forget to cook the meat.

Baking sheet, Aluminum foil and non stick spray shit (Spray the foil lined sheet with the non stick spray shit)

Layer 1) 1/2 if the bag o- Chips
Layer 2) 1/3 of the Cheddar Cheese
Layer 3) 1/3 of the Jack Cheese
Layer 4) 1/2 of the Onions
Layer 5) 1/2 of the Ground meat
Layer 6) The rest of the bag -o-chips. (to be honest, I don't use the crumbles, just the big ones I can grab)
Layer 7) 1/3 of the Cheddar cheese
Layer 8) 1/3 of the Jack cheese
Layer 9) the rest of the onions
Layer 10) the rest of the meat
Layers 11 and 12) the rest of the cheese (both kinds)

Bake a 350 until the cheese is melted and delicious looking (about 20-25 minutes)

then broil on high for about 5 minutes to get the chips extra crispy (watch them, they WILL burn if you aren't paying attention)

I serve mine with sour cream, guac, jalapenos and pico de gallo

You can either blame it on the booze (even tho I only had a very small one) or the fact that we all love to eat and couldn't wait, I forgot to take a photo of the finished product. But really, they are nachos, so come one. If one of my friend's doesn't know what nachos look like, I have NO idea why they are even my friend.


Bethany @ A Fish Who Likes Flowers May 17, 2011 at 11:01 PM  

YAY for unloved chips... although these sound so yummy what's not to love. And I bet they were really good with the ground chicken!!!

P.S. Glad you took a page from my book. Love the pictures ;)

Brandy Jeanne May 18, 2011 at 11:45 AM  

My friend Mark said that I made them idiot proof with the photos. haha

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