Disgustingly Rich Brownies

I have been slacking in terms of blogging, but seeing as how Bethany is the only regular reader, and I talk to her all of the fricken time any way, I don't feel too bad. =)

This is a recipe that I've been using since I was about 8. My neighbor down the street used to come over and we would make the batter and then sit on the back steps and just eat the raw batter.

When I was a kid, my mom got my older sister and I a kids cook book. Kids Cooking. A Very Slightly Messy Manual It has EVERYTHING in it. From Buried Treasure Muffins, to spaghetti, brownies, and even homemade play-doh and giant bubbles. It even has a recipe for doggy men treats. It is an all around kick ass kids cook book that I recommend to anyone who has a child that shows an interest in making messes in the kitchen (because let's be honest, that's how I started). 

And just a warning. This recipe is stupidly simple, and AMAZINGLY delicious. (Even my Fairy God Mother, who HATES chocolate, loves these brownies.)

I am embarrassed to admit that my "nephew" Mason, didn't know that you could make brownies and cookies "from scratch" I'm pretty sure he thought that all of that kind of stuff just came from the store. I had to make brownies!

What you'll need:

2 cups sugar
1/14 cup flour
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla (I always use more)
2 cubes butter (melted)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup walnuts, optional (I NEVER choose this option. I am adamantly opposed to nuts in my baked goods)
8 or 9 inch square baking pan
Non stick spray shit
1 medium bowl

Start with the cocoa powder and sugar, mix well.

Add the melted butter, stir well

Add the 4 eggs and vanilla, stir well (I'm beginning to notice a pattern here...)

toss in the flour and salt, mix well (but don't over mix, it makes the dough tough. Also, if you're going to add walnuts, now is the time)

Bring out your pan and non stick spray shit, and let them become friends.

Pour the batter evenly into coated pan and bake at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes.

The trick I have learned is to get a clean spatula and cover it in non stick spray shit and then try and smooth out the batter.

Let them cool for about 15 minutes (at least) and then plate them up.

Super simple, absolutely delicious brownies! They will dry out, so it's best to cover them with cling wrap while they are still warm, and don't let them sit out too long. And if you do, you can always pop them into the microwave for 15-20 seconds and they will soften up a bit. =)


Bethany @ A Fish Who Likes Flowers July 9, 2011 at 10:18 AM  

These look so YUMMY!!! Thank you for posting this!!

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