Coming soon.. and a personal update

Back in June my family and I went to Disney Land. It was AMAZING!

However, I don't have any photo's to share because Splash Mountain decided to destroy my camera.

Yes, this is the camera that I got to replace my old camera that was eaten by the Pacific Ocean.

Apparently I have HORRIBLE luck with cameras and water. So hopefully I'll get a new one for Christmas. (hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge)

Until then all that I have is my little crappy phone camera. I'll do my best.

I have also gotten engaged to a wonderful man named Raymond Moya. And with him comes some wonderful people.

A daughter, Mazzy. My own personal Sunflower. She lights up my heart in the best way.

Mom and Pops. (Patty and his step dad who everyone calls Pops. They live here in town)

Daddy-o-In-Law and Colleen. (His dad Julio and his wife Colleen who live in Northern California)

And Siblings. Mike and his wife Michelle who live in Texas. Tom and his wife Vickie who are in Arizona. Brandon and his wife Melissa who live in Kentucky. His beautiful sister Dora and her husband JJ who live in Michigan. And last, but not least, Liz-Anne and her husband Michael who also live in Kentucky. (all of the siblings have kiddo's too! I'm an Auntie by default to a ton of kid's that I haven't even met yet!!)

There is also his Granny who lives here in the Willamette Valley and Pop's parents who live in California.

It's a little overwhelming to be honest. A HUGE family all at once, but they are all so wonderful. They call, message and post on facebook, stop by, or we go over to see them. I haven't met most of them, but I do get to talk to them thanks to Facebook. There is such a feeling of love and warmth that comes with them.

I suppose it's just pay back, seeing as how my extended family is pretty much big enough to populate a medium sized island. (Thank you Bradley and Cunningham Families!!) =)


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Salem, Oregon, United States
I love most things in life. Except beets and sushi. Beets and sushi can die.

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